In a world where data reigns, the demand does rise,
For scientists of data, with keen, watchful eyes.
But what of the nurses, in their noble domain?
Can they find their place in this data-filled plane?
Nursing and data, a union quite clear,
Their skills overlapping, a new path to steer.
Compassion and detail, critical thought under strain,
These qualities nurses and data scientists maintain.
A tale of a pioneer, Nightingale her name,
A Rose Diagram crafted, her mission aflame.
To save lives and transform, with data she fought,
A powerful lesson, in visualization taught.
Today, data’s story, in visuals we share,
Charts, graphs, and more, complexities laid bare.
Nurses, skilled communicators, in data find grace,
Explaining the findings, a new role to embrace.
Not only in words, but in thought and in deed,
Nurses analyze data, to care and to lead.
Patterns and trends, in health data they find,
A skillset transferable, to data’s vast mind.
A leap it may seem, from the ward to the byte,
But nursing and data, together take flight.
From Nightingale’s passion, to the present we see,
Nurses in data science, a powerful decree.
How can they transition, to this new-found land?
Education and practice, a journey well planned.
With degrees and experience, their path is laid clear,
Data science awaits, a new frontier to cheer.
In fields diverse, data scientists they’ll be,
From healthcare and finance, to technology’s spree.
Nurses as analysts, in health outcomes they’ll soar,
Enhancing the care, and quality evermore.
A union of skills, in data’s embrace,
Nurses now journey, to a new, thrilling space.
Their impact on patients, and care they’ll enhance,
From ward to data, a resolute dance.